
Powershell related code snippets

Migrating Log Analytics tables between workspaces

I've been working extensively with Azure Monitor table schemas recently. In preparation for the deprecation of the legacy API data ingestion method for Log Analytics workspaces, I needed a simple method to recreate custom log tables as Data Collection Rule (DCR)-based tables while also migrating them to a new workspace.


Querying ADX with PowerShell and REST

 The following script provides an example of using PowerShell to directly query Azure Data Explorer Records using REST.


You will also need to ensure that the Application you use is granted the Database Viewer role permission.   This role can be added through the portal on the database Overview -> Permissions -> Add.   Note that ADX does not support table level viewer permissions.  


PowerShell Function - Retrieving Microsoft Sentinel Incident data

This example brings together various examples I've used on this site to show how Incidents from Microsoft Sentinel can be queried using PowerShell.  References to pages that demonstrate the utilised code are at the bottom of this article.

A core example of the code is below


PowerShell Function - Create Signature for writing Log Analytics data

When writing data to Log Analytics, data needs to be signed.

In a previous post (PowerShell Function - Write Data to Log Analytics | Laurie Rhodes' Info ) I showed how submit data to a workspace using Powershell and APIs.  This function is used to get the signature for the data being posted.


PowerShell Function - Write Data to Log Analytics

This example uses PowerShell to write a JSON data file into Log Analytics (and Microsoft Sentinel).

Note this uses a second function "Get-Signature" for signing the data being written to the workspace.  That function can be viewed here:

PowerShell Function - Create Signature for writing Log Analytics data | Laurie Rhodes' Info



Azure’s YAML provisioning templates

Azure’s ARM templates have been a rite of passage for all Azure engineers.  No one who has been working with the cloud at any depth will be without late-night stories of frustration.  The Azure Resource Manager is a service that accepts specially constructed JSON templates and uses those templates to provision each object represented within.

Enabling Azure Point-to-site-VPN

Using Azure's Point-to-site vpn avoids having to expose ssh or winrm ports to the internet to get onto the systems.

Before a Point-to-site VPN can be established, a Virtual Network Gateway must be created.  This will be associated with the Virtual Network that will be accessible.

Access to the network will be controlled by certificates.