Retrieving REST based results from SMA Runbooks

In a previous example, I gave an example of running a simple Service Management Automation runbook using REST.  This blog demonstrates how to retrieve output from a called runbook by using platform independent REST calls against the SMA Server. 

Four steps exist in obtaining the output from an SMA Runbook:   

The code below uses PowerShell to shows the four steps required in retrieving SMA output (although the REST calls would be the same in any programming language).

# Create a Credentials object 
$credentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("domain\username",(ConvertTo-SecureString "Password" -AsPlainText -Force))

# Step 1. Query the SMA server for the Runbook GUID

$RunbookName = 
$URI =  "`$filter=RunbookName eq 'runbookparametersexample'"
$Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URI  -Method Get -Credential $credentials 

$StartGUIDURI = $

# Step 2. Start the runbook with Name Value pairs for inputs
# * All REST inputs for SMA are as Name Value pairs submitted
# as JSON

$URI =  “$($StartGUIDURI)/Start”
$Headers = @{“Accept” = “application/atom+xml,application/xml”}
$Body = @"
$Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URI -Body $Body -Method Post -Headers $Headers -Credential $credentials -ContentType  “application/json;odata=verbose” 
$JobGUID = $Response.Start.'#text'
"JOB Id =$($JobGUID)"

#Retrieve the status of the submitted job
# Keep polling until the job status is complete

$URI =  "'" + $JobGUID  + "')"
$Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URI  -Method Get -Credential $credentials 
$JobStatus = $ 

$Status = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URI  -Method Get -Credential $credentials )
 while ($Status -ne "Completed") { 
   "Status = $($Status)"
   Start-Sleep 5
   $Status = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URI  -Method Get -Credential $credentials )


# --------------------------
# Retrieve the output streams from the Job
$URI =   "'" + $JobGUID +"'&streamType='Any' "
$Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URI  -Method Get -Credential $credentials 

"StreamText = $($"



Retrieving SMA output with PowerShell CMDlets

Windows hosted processes can use PowerShell CMDlets to start a runbook and retrieve the results.  Cmdlets simplify the process by removing the initial step of retrieving a runbook GUID as the Start-SMARunbook activity can resolve runbook names to GUIDs automatically.  The cmdlet based code below is the equivalent of the REST orientated “longhand”  above.

# Create a Credentials object 
$credentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("domain\username",(ConvertTo-SecureString "Password" -AsPlainText -Force))

# Start a Runbook Job
$JobResult = Start-SmaRunbook -WebServiceEndpoint -Port 9090 -Name "runbookparametersexample" -Credential $credentials -Parameters @{"FirstName"="Fred";"LastName"="Flintstone" }
"Job Result $($JobResult)"
Get-SmaJob -Id $JobResult -WebServiceEndpoint -Port 9090 -Credential $credentials;

#Poll the status of the started Job
$Status = (Get-SmaJob -Id $JobResult -WebServiceEndpoint -Port 9090 -Credential $credentials).JobStatus
 while ($Status -ne "Completed") { 
   Start-Sleep 5
   $Status = (Get-SmaJob -Id $JobResult -WebServiceEndpoint -Port 9090 -Credential $credentials).JobStatus
  "Status = $($Status)"

# Different streams are accessible from the SMA Job - this example uses the 'any' stream
# but Error, Output & Warning streams may be more appropriate depending on the
# code being written

"Any Stream = "
Get-SmaJobOutput -Id $JobResult -WebServiceEndpoint -Port 9090 -Stream Any -Credential $credentials; 



See also:

Invoking SMA Runbooks via REST