Download Launcher

Get the Launcher

Download the compiled Launcher

Version 1.04 (supports Windows 8 & Windows 8.1)


Version 1.03:   Launcher.exe  


Sourcecode is freely available under GPL3 license.  C# project files will be uploaded shortly or can be obtained by contacting me directly via the contact form on this site.  The code utilises Pahvant MSI interop (also available under GPL3 license) for retrieving installer information.

Example packages (and a great way of viewing Launcher xml files) are:

Notepad2_04.02_64a  or  Notepad2_04.02_86a

Version 1.04

* Uses a "Press any Key" after help screens to accomodate UAC behaviour with Windows 8 & Windows 8.1

* Internal variables updated to report Windows 8 and Windows 8.1

* Default template altered to provide for APPID (for promoting Windows 8 Start Tiles).

* SCCM 2012 support added for automatically adding SOURCELIST enties to SCCM distribitipon points.

Version 1.03

* Updated to allow installation items to be called from UNC paths

* Changed behaviour of installers to confirm the existence of MSI's, Transforms and executables before execution.

Version 1.02

* Included /TEMPLATE to generate a blank Install.xml files