The launcher expects a standardised "Install.XML" file to exist in the same directory. using the /TEMPLATE command will create a blank file with example fields populate All Launcher commands can be reviewed by invoking the executable with the "/?" switch.
eg. Launcher.exe - Runs in install mode
Launcher.exe /REMOVE - Runs in remove mode
Launcher.exe /TEMPLATE - Creates a blank template
/? APP:EXE Help with Executable Install Syntax
/? APP:MSI Help with Windows Installer Install Syntax
/? APP:MSP Help with Patch Install Syntax
/? APP:MSU Help with Micrsoosft Update Install Syntax
/? APP:VBS Help with VBScript Install Syntax
/? APP:CMD Help with Batch File Install Syntax
/? APP:PS1 Help with Powershell Script Install Syntax
/? APP:MSIRM Help Removing Windows Installer Packages Syntax
/? COND Help with Conditions Usage
/? VAR Help with on Variable Usage
/? VARDISP Display Current Variable Values
Example Installer Item Syntax
The following examples are install types catered for by the installer. By default, packages are expected to be in the same directory as the Launcher and Install.xml files.
Windows Installer
<Installer Name="MyInstall_1" Type="MSI" Target="7z920-x64.msi" Args="7Zip_09.20_64a.mst" Args2="" Enc="False" Conditions=""/>
The target is 7z920-x64.msi with a transform of 7Zip_09.20_64a.mst - both in the same directory as the launcher.
<Installer Name="MyInstall_2" Type="EXE" Target="@SYSTEMDIR\Reg.exe" Args="ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\PROPLUS /v DisplayName /d Office-Proplus_12.00_86a /f" Args2="0" Enc="False" Conditions=""/>
The target is Reg,exe with arguments to add registry details with an expected retun code of 0.
Batch Files
<Installer Name="MyInstall_3" Type="CMD" Target="InstallShim.cmd" Args="" Args2="" Enc="False" Conditions=""/>
The target is InstallShim.cmd in the same directory as the launcher.
<Installer Name="MyInstall_4" Type="PS1" Target="Install.ps1" Args="" Args2="0" Enc="False" Conditions=""/>
The target is Install.ps1 in the same directory as the launcher.
MSU Update Patch
<Installer Name="MyInstall_5" Type="MSU" Target="Windows6.1-KB2656373-x64.msu" Args="" Args2="0" Enc="False" Conditions=""/>
The target patch is Windows6.1-KB2656373-x64.msu in the same directory as the launcher.
MSP Update
<Installer Name="MyInstall_6" Type="MSP" Target="AdbeRdrUpd1012.msp" Args="" Args2="0" Enc="False" Conditions=""/>
The target patch is AdbeRdrUpd1012.msp in the same directory as the launcher.
MSI Removal
<Installer Name="Remove_1" Type="MSIRM" Target="{AD1411EA-F20E-46B8-8861-D84D0F2B9E8F}" Args="" Args2="0" Enc="False" Conditions=""/>
The target removal is product {AD1411EA-F20E-46B8-8861-D84D0F2B9E8F}