As workstations are built in controlled environments, Group Policy restrictions will tend to prevent elements of an Operating System build from occuring as expected.
We can get around problems by ensuring that a workstation (or server) is initilly built in a specific Organisational Unit that has general domain policies blocked and then moving the computer account at the end of the build process. Microsoft's Deployment Toolkit itself uses an account with unencrypted, plain text details for creating computer accounts which is restricted to only performing those functions. With the example below, a typical Deployment Toolkit Solution Accelerator is used to move a computer account based on its chasis to either a desktop or mobile OU relative to the OU its currently residing.
Function Main
iRetVal = Success
Dim iExitcode : iExitcode = 0
Dim strADDomain : strADDomain = "MYDOMAIN.local"
Dim strMessageText
Dim oFso, oSysInfo, oWMIService, Laptop
Dim colChassis, objChassis, strComputerDN, nComma, strCurrentOU, strComputerName
'Create Objects
Set oShell = CreateObject("")
Set oFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
'// Use WMI to determine Chassis type
Set colChassis = oWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_SystemEnclosure")
For Each objChassis in colChassis
For i = Lbound(objChassis.ChassisTypes) to Ubound(objChassis.ChassisTypes)
oLogging.CreateEntry "Chassis Log Type = "& objChassis.ChassisTypes(i) , LogTypeInfo
wscript.echo "Chassis Log Type = "& objChassis.ChassisTypes(i)
Laptop = Islaptop(objChassis.ChassisTypes(i))
'// The current location of the machine account is read from the registry and deconstructed by splitting the string
'// into OU locations - this will be different in all organisations
wscript.echo "Retrieving strComputerDN"
strComputerDN = oShell.Regread("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Group Policy\State\Machine\Distinguished-Name")
wscript.echo "strComputerDN = " & strComputerDN
nComma = InStr(strComputerDN,",")
strCurrentOU = Mid(strComputerDN,nComma + 1)
strComputerName = Left(strComputerDN,nComma - 1)
strComputerName = Right(strComputerName,len(strComputerName) - 3)
oLogging.CreateEntry "current OU = " &strCurrentOU , LogTypeInfo
ADArray = split(strCurrentOU,",")
If Laptop = true then
StrNewOU = "OU=Mobile"
StrNewOU = "OU=Desktops"
end if
for x = 1 to Ubound(ADArray)
StrNewOU = StrNewOU & "," &ADArray(x)
if Ucase(ADArray(0)) = "OU=DEFAULTCONTAINER" then
oLogging.CreateEntry "Destination OU = " &StrNewOU , LogTypeInfo
set oLDAP = GetObject("LDAP:")
Set objOU = oLDAP.OpenDSObject("LDAP://" &strADDomain &"/" &StrNewOU , "DOMAIN\USERNAME", "PASSWORD", 1)
Set objMoveComputer = objOU.MoveHere("LDAP://" &strADDomain &"/" &strComputerDN, vbNullString)
strMessageText = "Machine not being moved as it is not under the default GPO OU for building machines"
end if
Main = iRetVal
End Function
Determining is a machine is a desktop or mobile device is surprising difficult as the introducion of a wide raneg of smaller devices with distinct marketing terms has meant there is no consistency in reliably detecting what type of device is being detected. Some organisations may be lucky enough to be ceratin of all the hardware being migrated. Some organisations will detect a battery to tell if a machine is a laptop but if the battery isn't seated correctly (or is missing) this check will fail as well. The function at the bottom of this page lists all currently detected chasis types to determine mobile vs desktop machines.
The function below will return true for laptop machines.
'// WMI allows for multiple devices to be identified as a laptop
'// including notebooks and sub notebooks
'// Use: Islaptop(integer)
'// Returns Bool true / false
function Islaptop(wmiInt)
Dim Result
Result = false
select case wmiInt
Case 1 'Other
Result = false
Case 2 'Unknown
Result = false
Case 3 'Desktop
Result = false
Case 4 'Low Profile Desktop
Result = false
Case 5 'Pizza Box
Result = false
Case 6 'Mini Tower
Result = false
Case 7 'Tower
Result = false
Case 8 'Portable
Result = false
Case 9 'Laptop
Result = true
Case 10 'Notebook
Result = true
Case 11 'Hand Held
Result = true
Case 12 'Docking Station
Result = true
Case 13 'All in One
Result = false
Case 14 'Sub Notebook
Result = true
Case 15 'Space-Saving
Result = false
Case 16 'Lunch Box
Result = false
Case 17 'Main System Chassis
Result = false
Case 18 'Expansion Chassis
Result = false
Case 19 'Sub Chassis
Result = false
Case 20 'Bus Expansion Chassis
Result = false
Case 21 'Peripheral Chassis
Result = false
Case 22 'Storage Chassis
Result = false
Case 23 'Rack Mount Chassis
Result = false
Case 24 'Sealed-Case PC
Result = false
end select
Islaptop = Result
end function
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