Creating SCCM Computer objects by script

The example Powershell script creates a computer / device object in SCCM 2012.  

$SiteCode = "MEL"
$SiteServer = "."

#Add Computer to System

$wmi = [WmiClass]"\\$($SiteServer)\ROOT\SMS\Site_$($SiteCode):SMS_Site"

$InObject = $wmi.psbase.GetMethodParameters(“ImportMachineEntry”)

   $InObject.MACAddress                       = "00:50:56:C0:00:08"
   $InObject.NetbiosName                      = "wmel001"
   $InObject.OverwriteExistingRecord          = "true"
   $InObject.SMBIOSGUID                       = "9310E1C0-D7DA-11DD-9AA6-60A44CAF553C"

$wmi.PSBase.InvokeMethod("ImportMachineEntry", $InObject, $Null)

#Update All Systems Collection
$CollectionName = "All Systems"

$CollectionQuery = Get-WmiObject -Namespace "Root\SMS\Site_$($SiteCode)" -Class SMS_Collection -Filter "Name='$CollectionName'"


The example uses WMI to create a Device from the SCCM Server.  My use for this script is to use Orchestrator in creating accounts as part of a provisioning process.  To assist, the second component of the script requests that the All Systems collection is refreshed.    

In a previous post I provided a simple vbscript that could be used to harvest UUID / SMBIOS and MAC Address details from machines in CSV format (which may be of comparative value).