SSH Module for Service Management Automation
This module is reworked from the version posted by Eamon O’Reily on the technet gallery.
This module is reworked from the version posted by Eamon O’Reily on the technet gallery.
Microsoft’s Web Platform installer provides the ability of installing web based components onto Windows Platforms. The technology is simple to use and works well when a machine has access to the internet. When the machine being installed don’t have access to the internet the installer becomes a problem.
In a previous example, I gave an example of running a simple Service Management Automation runbook using REST. This blog demonstrates how to retrieve output from a called runbook by using platform independent REST calls against the SMA Server.
Four steps exist in obtaining the output from an SMA Runbook:
Service Management Automation Runbooks are PowerShell workflows. Workflows allow parameters to be passed in at the time of execution and are essential to any infrastructure automation.