Article Titles

Collecting Defender Vulnerability Data - a PowerShell Core Durable Function
PowerShell Core - Durable Functions - A Security Engineer's Introduction
ASIM integration with Azure Data Explorer
AI Attack Simulation with Microsoft Sentinel
GitHub Projects
Getting Defender's 'Secure Score' with Logic Apps an ADX
Rethinking the role of Azure PowerShell Modules
VersionShowCommand error
Sizing Azure Event Hub partitions
Daily Azure / Sentinel Backup (and Reporting) with GitHub
The problem of TimeGenerated... and an altered Azure Monitor Schema
ADX's Role in Large data retention for Security
Adding data streams to Azure Data Explorer
Migrating Log Analytics tables between workspaces
Configuring AWS Token Exchange for an Azure Managed Identity
Writeable Sentinel tables (Update - now includes DCRs)
Deriving the Log Analytics table schema
Querying ADX with PowerShell and REST
PowerShell - Writing data directly to Azure Data Explorer with REST
ADX Continuous Export to Blob / Data Lake
Writing data to Sentinel's tables with REST and Data Collection Rules
Fluent-bit on Windows - forwarding data to Event Hubs (Kafka) and ADX
Sentinel / Azure Monitor Query Packs
Creating ADX table Schemas for Defender, Entra and Microsoft Sentinel
Forwarding Syslog to ADX
Filtering Common Event Format at source for Microsoft Sentinel
Filtering syslog at source for Microsoft Sentinel
Integrating Azure Functions as Sentinel Playbook actions
Powershell - Backing up Azure Subscriptions to GitHub - Part 1
PowerShell Function - Microsoft Cloud Tokens
PowerShell Function - Retrieving Microsoft Sentinel Incident data
PowerShell Function - Create Signature for writing Log Analytics data
PowerShell Function - Get Microsoft Sentinel Incidents
PowerShell Function - Write Data to Log Analytics
Powershell Snippet - Query Azure Data Explorer
Kusto / Resource Graph Explorer queries from PowerShell
Azure’s YAML provisioning templates
Programmatically retrieving ‘latest’ Azure REST API versions
Powershell, Azure Management API & Password Grant Type - example
Powershell, Graph API & Password Grant Type - example
Azure Custom Script Extensions, Software Deployment and Package Management
Enabling Azure Point-to-site-VPN
Create an Azure App Registration for Disk Encryption
Create an Azure Application & SPN with Certificate Authentication
Updating Azure Automation Modules
Azure Disk Encryption Process
Using Azure Automation to generate a certificate
Establishing a Chocolatey Environment (Windows Server 2016)
PowerShell DSC (Pull) Sequence
PowerShell DSC – Pull Mode, Server 2012 R2 Client and Server 2016 Server